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Family Visits Programme

Volunteers are matched with a family and provide regular visits, childcare and facilitate activities at home or in the local community.  This is ideal for younger pre school children, teenagers who would benefit from one-one time or families who would benefit from a higher level of support.  Visits could take place weekly or fortnightly during the week for little ones, after school, or on a Saturday. 


The opportunity for children to be known and build a relationship of trust over time with the volunteer, enables growing self esteem and well-being.  Volunteers are able to encourage children in specific interests.


Regular time out for children and parents,  can help to strengthen the family as they seek to overcome current challenges faced.  Many parents describe their volunteers as 'part of the family'.   Volunteers commit for a minimum of 1 year and most continue visits for a number of years.  There is often a wait to be matched to a suitable volunteer, as we are dependent on volunteer availability. Children are able to access holiday outings while waiting for regular visits.


"I never had any toys or books for him.  She brought me lots of books, he has never struggled with reading or English like lots of his friends.  I put it down to what she did with him before he started school, all the books and toys, time an activities.”  Parent

“She was like my rock, she went above and beyond her duty.  My son was the one who was most difficult, her visits gave me a break and helped me a lot. It’s been so hard as my health has deteriorated, without that time to myself to rest and come to terms with my illness, I don’t know where I would be.  I wouldn’t have managed it without you” Parent

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